About Our Team
As a part of Westchester Church of Christ, we experience the power of healing through service. Our ministries offer different opportunities for members to give back to the community in honor of Our Savior, who sacrificed so much for us. Westchester Church of Christ has a ministry fit for you, whatever your age and stage of life. Read on and contact the team member to participate!
Warren Thompson

Brother Warren Thompson, Minister of Westchester Church of Christ in Los Angeles, California since September 2008, has served the LORD for over five decades. Known for his zeal and enthusiasm in the pulpit, Brother Thompson is considered a true champion for the LORD.
Brother Thompson was born and raised in Fort Smith, Arkansas to Bobbie Jean and Warren Frank Thompson. As a child, he worshipped and learned to live by the Word of GOD, at the Ninth Street Church of Christ. After graduation from High School, he attended Missouri State University majoring in Psychology. In 1979 Brother Thompson moved to Los Angeles, California and attended Crenshaw Church of Christ where he was baptized in 1980. In 1982, he met and married the love of his life Renee Thompson. The LORD blessed them with two sons: Jor-El and Isaac Thompson.
In 1983 he started teaching Bible Study Classes at Crenshaw Church of Christ. For many years Brother Thompson taught Bible Study classes at West Adams, Alondra and Carpinteria Churches of Christ. Biblical exegesis was the basis of his instruction. His students were instructed on how to read/comprehend the Greek language, its meanings, and how it correlated to each verse in the Bible. In
addition, Brother Thompson emphasized the importance of the primary foundations and themes presented in scripture to enhance student understanding of the Bible verses.
He later became a student of Brother Kinwood Devore at West Adams Church of Christ in the Mid City region of Los Angeles. During his internship under Brother Devore, he learned how to thoroughly analyze and administer GOD’s Word.
As he continued to serve as a biblical educator, Brother Thompson received his calling from GOD to enter the ministry. Upon discussing it with Brother Devore, he was encouraged to fulfill his calling. He did not delay nor question the Will of GOD and accepted a position as Minister at Carpentaria Church of Christ.
In 2016, Brother Thompson decided to retire from the banking industry and devote his undivided attention to the LORD’s work at Westchester Church of Christ. Currently, he teaches Adult Sunday School class, deliver’s God’s word on Sun morning and evening services as well as leading three bible study classes during the week.
Each bible study is focused on a specific concept:
Tuesday evenings: The Old Testament
Wednesday mornings: General Study
Wednesday nights: The New Testament
On the first Sunday evening of the month he mentors church brothers on how to deliver GOD’s Word. Every second and third Sunday evening he ministers to the shut-ins and convalescence in Santa Monica and Inglewood regions of Los Angeles. Pastor Thompson also counsels’ individuals throughout the week and attends to the needs of the Westchester Church of Christ Congregation.
Brother Thompson’s devotion to delivering GOD’s Word is the basis of his ministry. His compassion and desire to reach all souls is magnifying and exemplary. May GOD continue to bless him and his missionary work.
Worship Coordinator
(323) 817-9447
Music Director
(310) 339-2458
(310) 701-7497
Infant - 2nd grade classes
High school classes
(323) 630-2834
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Youth Minister & Young Adult Classes
Director of Education
(310) 890-3711
Audio/Visual/Media Assistant Audio/Visual/Media
(623) 282-7718
3 - 6 grade classes